

满帆’s 2024 名人堂 event featured industry panels, 互动式学生体验, 以及六名新的名人堂成员.

一个巨大的字母“HOF”雕塑坐落在满帆 Live Venue舞台上,每个字母上都投射着不同的彩色图像. 这些字母在一个紫色的大屏幕前,屏幕上用大字体显示着罗马数字“XV”. In front of the stage is a black silhouette of the crowd.

过去的一周, 满帆大学 celebrated its 14th annual 名人堂 week, a four-day celebration featuring an array of panels 和 presentations, 现场电竞赛事, 科技博览会, 招聘会, networking 和 mentorship opportunities, 和更多的. 名人堂 inductees past 和 present, along with other accomplished grads 和 a variety of industry professionals, 聚集在大学里,向渴望学习的学生传授他们的知识和经验. The week wrapped up with the annual induction ceremony, 六名新校友正式入选满帆大学名人堂. 这一事件是通过名人堂现场记录的,可以在满帆 YouTube页面上进行流媒体和体验.


On stage, a student wearing a headset plays a video game on a PC. A large crowd cheers him on from below.

名人堂 14 week kicks off with 游戏大厅: Homecoming, welcoming back alumni to play against current students.

The week kicked off with 游戏大厅: Homecoming, 满帆 Armada是一项电子竞技直播活动,在该活动中,满帆 Armada的校队与回归的校友选手争夺荣誉 使命召唤, 超级大乱斗兄弟, 火箭联盟. 而校友队最终赢得了比赛大厅冠军奖杯 超级大乱斗兄弟火箭联盟, the Armada varsity team defeated the alumni in a thrilling best-of-five match in 使命召唤. 另外, 与会者都很享受赠品, 快餐车, 还有街机游戏, Orl和o Health awarded five hardworking students with $50,000英镑奖学金.


A wide shot of a crowded arena with many booths set up on the floor. Many large screens depict different images in the background. 一个音板放在前景.

周一, 学生们在满帆 Live会场的招聘会上遇到了各种各样的潜在雇主.

周一,招聘会在满帆 Live会场拉开帷幕,Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing 艺术s, 华特迪士尼公司, 奥兰多爱乐乐团, 和更多的. 学生们有机会与潜在的未来雇主和行业专业人士进行一对一的交流, asking questions 和 building their network. For students that did not have their resumes, 职业发展中心提供打印机并提供建议,这样每个学生都配备了必要的材料来施展他们的社交技能.

特拉维斯鲁伊斯, Senior Corporate Recruiter for Nexstar 媒体 Group, attended the Career Fair with Nexstar 媒体 Group 和 spoke with students, 抓住机会,在个人和专业层面上与他们建立联系. “In 2024 和 beyond, nothing can replace face-to-face interaction,” Travis says. “Being able to meet face-to-face with c和idates, 看看它们是从哪里来的, 和他们互动, getting the chance to have that interpersonal connection, 这是无可替代的. 像[招聘会]这样的活动对[招聘人员]来说真的很好,可以让他们与我们的下一代员工建立联系.”

A booth is set up for the company “novation” with many electronics on the table. Behind the booth, a man shows the technology to waiting students. More booths 和 students mill about in the background.


与此同时, in the 满帆大学 Orl和o Health Fortress, 科技博览会为名人堂的与会者提供了观看最新音频的机会, 游戏, virtual technologies from companies such as Adobe, 索尼, 和梯队.


Six people sit on chairs on a stage in front of a sitting crowd. The screen behind them reads “Meet The New Class of 名人堂 Inductees.”

On Tuesday, the 名人堂 inductees gathered for their introduction panel.

周二,100多个会议式的教育小组和演讲拉开了序幕,有成就的校友担任演讲者和主持人. The day began with the Meet the New Class of 名人堂 Inductees presentation, introducing this year’s six new inductees to students; new 名人堂 members Natalie Asport, 马克·迪亚兹, 迈克尔·拉·普兰特, 尼娜Lopez-Corrado, 本杰明大米, 和纳丁·桑托斯分享了他们的努力和坚韧是如何让他们走到今天的故事.

学生 were free to choose their itinerary of panels 和 presentations, as the sessions covered a wide variety of topics 和 disciplines. 名人堂入选者布兰登·布莱克威尔发表了《og体育》和《og体育》, 在书中,他讲述了自己作为一名录音师的旋风式职业生涯,与a $AP Rocky和Lizzo等艺术家一起周游世界, encouraging students to take “calculated risks.” In the Navigating Multi-Generational Workspaces panel, 第14届名人堂入选者迈克尔·拉·普兰特(迈克尔·拉·普兰特)建议进入职场的学生如何处理职场中不同的沟通方式和冲突. During the Life After 满帆: Tips for Surviving the Real World panel, 嘉宾们坦诚地谈到学生进入行业后,如何保持工作与生活的平衡, 以及他们可以采取的必要步骤,以确保他们建立健康的界限和习惯. 正如许多小组成员强调的那样,在进入职场并抓住每一个机会的重要性, 入选名人堂的亚伦·库克向学生们解释说,“全身心投入到事业中并不意味着把它变成你的个性和你是谁”,他还就学生们如何在繁忙的事业中保持个性给出了建议.


A student wearing a gray sweater paints a purple line on a large mural.


学生们还享受了沉浸式创意体验提供的各种活动, 包括一张工艺品桌, 漫画画家, 壁画, 以及广受欢迎的“亲爱的未来我”摊位, 学生们给自己写了一封励志信,希望来年开学.

Several cosplayers pose for a picture on an outdoor stage. They are holding signs denoting their placement in the competition.


整个星期, 学生们走上户外舞台,参与了一场史诗般的龙与地下城:D20死亡竞赛, 沉浸式的TTRPG体验, 以及一场精心设计的角色扮演比赛,包括从蜘蛛侠到哥斯拉的角色扮演.

另外, 名人堂现场主持人特雷西·威, Shae瑞安, Jess Reider chatted with 名人堂rs, 玩好玩的, 与学生互动游戏, gave out cool prizes such as br和 new Shure podcast microphones, ran around the Backlot joking 和 interacting with students, 所有这些都可以在 名人堂直播在YouTube上.


A large crowd is seated in front of a raised stage. 在紫色的屏幕前,一个巨大的彩色字母“HOF”雕塑坐落在舞台顶端. 一名身穿黑色西装的男子站在舞台上,并在舞台旁边的屏幕上拍照.

满帆大学校长Garry Jones欢迎大家参加名人堂入会仪式.

The week came to a close with Thursday’s 颁奖典礼上, 满帆校长加里·琼斯欢迎六名新毕业生进入名人堂的地方. After being individually inducted by a peer, 娜塔莉·阿斯波特(高级道具艺术家), NetherRealm工作室), 马克·迪亚兹(首席游戏玩法程序员, 失眠症患者游戏), 迈克尔·拉·普兰特 (Vice President of 技术, 形式发票), 尼娜Lopez-Corrado (Producer/Director, HBO), 本杰明·赖斯(制片人), 作曲家, 直言不讳的生产商, 混合机, 工程师), Nadine Santos (Vice President of Programming & 艺术家的关系, 音乐选择奖)每位获奖者在领奖时都有机会分享获奖感言, accompanied by heartfelt video messages from family, 朋友, 和他的同事们.

After being welcomed by a plethora of videos from music stars such as Jennifer Lopez, Jason Aldean, 梅根·特莱诺尔, 和更多的, 纳丁·桑托斯(Nadine Santos)作为最后一位名人堂入选者上台领奖.

“So, I grew up in a family that embraced the love of our culture 和 our music, it was no surprise that I loved music the way that I did,她开始了她的演讲. “我从来没有想过那些早期的日子会影响我的未来,直到我走进满帆的这扇门, all of a sudden it just became possible.”

A large crowd is gathered in front of an outdoor stage. Many people are st和ing on the stage against a multi-colored screen, 一个穿着黄色衬衫的人拿着麦克风向人群讲话.

The 名人堂 block party kicks off at the 满帆 outdoor stage.

典礼结束后, 第14届年度名人堂周在一个大型的学生街区派对上达到高潮,并进行了现场表演, 快餐车, 还有赠品.